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Барабанный счетчик

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Барабанный счетчик - Расходомеры

Барабанный счетчик - Расходомеры

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Drum meter


Drum meter for industrial liquids

For quantity measurements of:

  • Benzene in gas works and iron and steel works
  • Solvents and other liquids during operational and production checks
  • Condensation in district heating works

For measuring components used for mixing in the chemical industry and the synthetic fibers industry


Alcohol measuring equipment

Standard sampler


  • For quantity measurement of spirits
  • For determination of the alcohol content of spirit for taxing purposes in distilleries, alcohol and liquor factories.

The devices satisfy the German monopoly administration.


  • Leakage indicator
  • Sampling cock

SITRANS A ethyl alcohol meters


  • For quantity measurement of spirits and simultaneous determination of the amount of ethyl alcohol, taking into account the temperature and density
  • For taxing purposes in distilleries, alcohol and liquor factories

The devices satisfy the German monopoly administration.

Область применения

Drum meters for industrial liquids, alcohol and ethyl alcohol are quantity meters primarily characterized by their high measuring accuracy even at very low flow rates (drops) and their use at low pressures.


Overview of how drum meters work

Drum meters/standard sampler

Drum meters are purely mechanical devices where the liquid to be measured drives the mechanism. It must be ensured that there is no counter-pressure on the outlet, i.e. a backpressure of the liquid must not occur in the meter.

The measuring unit, the rotating drum, is divided into three chambers.

Filling-up of the bottom chamber and overflowing of the liquid into the next chamber displaces the center of gravity of the filling, and a turning movement results. The drum is rotated by one third of its circumference, i.e. the next chamber is swung down and then filled whilst the previous chamber is emptied through the outlet.

The number of times the drum is moved round is transmitted from the axis of the drum to a single-pointer dial with a 5-digit non-resettable drum-type counter via a magnetic coupling. The quantity determined from the number of drum rotations is directly displayed in liters.

SITRANS A ethyl alcohol meters

The ethyl alcohol meters work by the same principle as the drum meters. In other words, the total quantity of spirits flowing through the drum is measured. Since the quantity of pure alcohol (ethyl alcohol) present in the spirits must be known for taxing purposes, the spirits are passed prior to the quantity measurement through a test setup consisting of temperature measuring equipment with a Pt 1000 sensor and equipment for measuring the density.

Pulses proportional to the quantity are output by means of a double pulser coupled to the drum.

The input signals for quantity, temperature and density are compared in a computer with the defined values of the OIML alcohol table.

Following displays are output on two non-resettable electromechanical pulse counters in the computer:

  • Quantitiy of mixed alcohol/water in liters
  • Quantity of alcohol in liters

The density and temperature of the liquid can be read continuously on a further display.

Connections are available for a printer, a remote indicator and an RS 232 interface.